Do I need experience? 


Your program starts with an emphasis on precision. We teach you how to move well, whether you're holding weights or not. The lifts we perform all have a direct application to real world movement.

Often the beginner makes significant progress more quickly than someone with a moderate amount of lifting experience. The beginners gets to start fresh. If someone has been lifting with bad mechanics for a while, it’s takes some time to undo that.

People from Crossfit are a good example. The techniques Crossfitters learn are so comprehensively wrong, it takes much longer to teach them how to correctly perform a hang clean, for instance, than a person who has never touched a barbell, because the Crossfitter has to unlearn all their bad mechanics. And unlearning is always more difficult than learning.

The program we design for you will start exactly where you are. And the pace of your progression is entirely up you.